Now is a good time to do a Mitzvah
- Prohibition
Do not withhold food, clothing and sexual rights from one’s wife.
As it says “her food, clothing and sexual rights he shall not diminish” Shmot 21: 10
The term "she-er" means food, "ksuth" means clothing, and "onah" sexual intimacy.
Whoever wilfully withholds one of these three in order to distress or pain her violates this prohibition.
The Scribes enacted another seven obligations to her they are the following:
The principal payment of the marriage contract.
Her medical expenses.
To ransom her if taken captive.
To bury her.
She can stay in his house the entire duration of her widowhood and is sustained out of his estate.
Her daughters are to be sustained out of his estate after his death until they are married.
The rights of her sons specified in the marriage contract.
The Scribes said he has the right
To her handiwork in exchange for her food.
The income from her property in her lifetime in exchange for the duty of ransoming.
He has the right to whatever she finds to avoid enmity.
He becomes her heir in exchange for providing for her burial.
A man also has the duty of sustaining his small sons and daughters.
This applies in all places at all times.