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- Prohibition


Do not deviate from the words of the supreme religious court


 “ Do not turn aside from the words of the which they will tell you, neither to the right or to the left”    Devarim 17:11


Included is all we have received from the Sages incorporating the Talmud that we have.


We are obligated to base our faith and observance on the words of Moses our teacher and his Torah .

This applies to matters transmitted orally from the Oral Torah and matters derived throught one of the rules of Torah interpretation and matters instituted as protective measures of the Torah.


Each of these is inlcuded in the above rule.


The Sefer ha Chinnuch writes the obligation is to listen to the words of our ancient sages, our great authorities of Torah wisdom and the leaders of our generation.


This applies in all places at all times for men and women.


If someone transgresses and makes a breach in the boundary in any matter out of all that our Rabbis have taught us in explaining the Torah, violates this prohibition.

Do not deviate from the words of the supreme religious court
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